Pollinator Promise



What is the Pollinator Promise?

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When you sign up to the Pollinator Promise, you pledge to plant a pot or put aside a 1 x 1 metre area in your garden, school grounds or business to grow pollinator-friendly plants. These plants provide food and shelter for pollinating insects. These plants provide food and shelter for pollinating insects. The insects that pollinate around 80% of our food crops are at risk from loss of habitat, among a cocktail of other human induced threats, but you can help! Learn how you can support pollinators and bring the Pollinator Promise to your community.

Over 1900 Polli-promises have been made so far. Where a location has been provided, these have been plotted above.

Join the people who have made a pollinator promise:

The Pollinator Promise was started by pupils at St. Alban’s Primary Church of England Primary School in Havant after they took part in the Polli:Nation project with Learning through Landscapes. They asked their parents, friends, local businesses and community groups to sign up.  Read their story. They were awarded the Defra Bees’ Needs Champion award you can find out how they involved their local MP here.

Now the pupils at St Alban’s hope to spread the Pollinator Promise campaign throughout the UK, and they’re counting on your help.



What can you do?

You can take part as an individual, school or community group and can devote as little or as much as you have time for.

1. Make a pollinator promise

Pledge to support pollinators in your local green space by making a pollinator promise.

2. Plant your pollinator friendly flowers

Plant a 1 x 1 metre area in your garden or school grounds with pollinator friendly flowers. The RHS Perfect for Pollinators webpage and our interactive tool to receive Pollinator-Friendly Plant Recommendations. can help you pick flowers. If you don’t have space you could always use a plant pot or windowbox to support your pollinators.

3. Encourage people around you to create a haven for pollinators

  • Ask people in your local community to sign up to the Pollinator Promise. Contact friends, family, local businesses, community groups, schools, churches or even your local MP.  To help you promote the campaign, print our Promise Postcard (PDF). You could also run an event for your community and print out and adpat these editable certificates (PPT) to congratulate those who have made a promise.
  • Make sure you encourage your contacts to sign up online above (1) or you could upload their sign-up sheets after the event. This will help us count all those promises!
  • Spread the Pollinator Promise online. Use social media to tell us what you’ve pledged to do, or post before and after pictures of your pollinator friendly plot. Tag your posts on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using #PolliPromise  or email St Alban’s pupils at Pollination1@st-albans.hants.sch.uk.
Sign Up OPAL

More things you can do to help pollinators:


Follow us on Twitter (@XPolliProject) and share your magnificent meadows and productive pots using #XPolli and @insidenatgeo

Activity Worksheet