Inspiring your friends, family and others in your community to protect pollinators can make a real difference!
There are two parts to the Communicate activities:
- Making a Pollinator Promise: When you sign up to the Pollinator Promise, you pledge to plant a pot or put aside a 1 x 1 metre area in your garden, school grounds or business to grow pollinator-friendly plants. You can also see the Polli-Promises on a map.
- Designing your own Campaign for Pollinators: We also encourage you to come up with your own creative ideas about how you can spread the message to protect pollinators and share these on our social media account.
Below you can Make a Pollinator Promise; Explore the Pollinator Promises on a map and find out more about the campaign; Share your Campaigning Ideas on the @XPolliProject (#pollipromise) social media account; and check out the Activity Worksheet which provides ideas for you to come up with your own campaign.
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Activity Worksheet