Take part in a citizen science survey and contribute valuable new data about vital insect populations and their habitats.
There are two steps:
- Citizen Science Survey: We have teamed up with the Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS) – which provides data for UK Biodiversity Indicators – to create a survey where you can count the number of insects in different groups (e.g. bumblebees and butterflies etc.) visiting a patch of target flowers for 10 minutes.
- Photo-Record Submission: While taking part in the survey or at any time, you can take photos of bumblebees and submit to our dedicated recording scheme Planting for Pollinators, where you will be guided by technology to help identify the species (e.g. Red Tailed or Buff-Tailed Bumblebee etc.)
Below you can download all the resources you need to carry out the Citizen Science Survey: the Instruction Booklet to help you carry out the survey; Recording Sheets which you can print out and complete during the survey; and an Identification Guide to help you work out which insects and plants you see. You can then Upload your Survey Results and/or Submit a Photo Record of a Bumblebee by clicking the buttons below.
Resources to prepare and use during citizen science survey
Submit your data
Data will be submitted through our sister site for biological recording:, also hosted on Open University servers, and shared with PoMS.
- You will need to register on the X-Polli:Nation Planting for Pollinators website to upload data.
- You can create a single shared account for your school or you class.