Get Involved

X-Polli:Nation is an actionable citizen science project designed to create awareness of environmental issues that surround pollinating insects, collect data on their feeding preferences for science, plant habitats to support them and finds novel ways to communicate their importance with a wider community.
Who can take part?
We warmly welcome everyone to get involved in the activities using the free online and downloadable resources. We have designed the resources to be engaging and informative for everyone including primary and secondary age students as well for teachers, parents or anyone else who would like to support pollinators on their patch. Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours to delve into the world of pollinator citizen science, want to be desk based or out in nature, we have a full programme of activities around the citizen science cycle above.
We would love to hear about your activities so please do follow us on Twitter (@XPolliProject) and Instagram (@XPolliProject) and share your lavish learning, resplendent recording, magnificent meadows and compelling communication using #XPolli.
Click on a link below to learn more, or watch our introductory video.